
This website is owned, managed and maintained by OrbiSky Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "OrbiSky", "OrbiSky Systems", "The Company", or "we"). Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before logging on to this website. Proceeding to use this website indicates that you acknowledge and accept these terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Terms of Use"). If you have reason to disagree with any of the Terms of Use, please cease perusing this website and any of its associated web pages immediately.

I. Rules for the Website Use

Subject to complying with the Company's Terms of Use, users will be granted limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable, non-commercial usage rights for personal purposes only. This website's content and services (including, but not limited to, unique information such as user names attained by the user) are licensed for the user's personal use only and are not be sold or traded under any circumstances. We reserve all rights to admission, stated or otherwise, in the terms of use. In using this site, users must adhere to the following principles:

1) Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations;

2) Compliance with the Terms of Use and all other relevant agreements, regulations and procedures, as well as processes and practices relating to the Internet;

3) Not using this website to engage in any criminal activities, including divisive political maneuvers, inciting others to commit crimes, infringing computer security systems, interfering with or disrupting network services, and any other acts that could endanger national security or harm public interest;

4) Not utilizing this website in any manner that may adversely affect the normal functioning of the Internet;

5) Not infringing on the Company's intellectual property rights, reputational rights, and any other legally binding patents, copyrights, trademarks, etc. belonging to the Company, its affiliated companies, and any associated third parties. Users must also refrain from engaging in actions that could have a negative impact on the Company;

6) Unless otherwise stated in the Terms of Use or the Company has granted permissions, users should not engage in any of the following acts under any circumstances:
- Downloading, copying, displaying, distributing, uploading, publishing and distributing the contents of this website;
- Modifying, editing or otherwise amending any of this website's content;
- Transfering, reselling or leasing the content or services on this website.

7) If a user violates any of the stipulated website usage provisions, at our sole discretion we may petition the user to correct or take the necessary measures (including, but not limited to, deleting any troublesome uploaded content, and suspending or terminating their access to the Company's website) to mitigate the impact of their transgressions.

II. External Links

The content on this website may contain links to other websites. Please note that these external links are for redirecting purposes only and do not represent the Company in any way. The Company does not operate or participate in these linked websites, nor can it provide right of access to them. Users can visit these websites at their own risk (including, but not limited to, complying with the terms of use on these sites) and expense; the Company holds no responsibility for the content and conduct of these websites.

III. Limitation of Liability

1) We cannot guarantee constant and instantaneous services to users, or accuracy, nor can we provide any assurances as to time taken to repair defects, or to the prevention of hostile services or server invasions from harmful components such as viruses or hackers. Services and website content are provided according to the status quo, and we do not provide any assurances relating to accuracy, comprehensiveness, quality, non-infringement of services, or suitability of the Company's website content and services.

2) We reserve the right to modify, augment or detract, cancel, suspend, interpose or terminate the provision of website services (in whole or in part) at any time without any prior notification to the user; we will not assume any liability to the user in the exercise of the above rights.

3) We will provide this website with the most accurate information possible. Product pictures and physical objects represented on the website may differ slightly from their actual form. Demonstrative diagrams and schematic diagrams on the website are for reference purposes only, and product images may (including but not limited to color) be in contrast to their physical varieties. The information contained on this website (including, but not limited to product specifications, functional descriptions, etc.) may be incomplete, including detailed instructions and information relating to specific products. Product prices, specifications, availability, and supply status is subject to change without prior notice.

4) We reserve the right to alter the product designs, specifications, processes and materials of our products included on the website at any time, without having to inform the users.

5) In the event of suspended website services due to systems maintenance or upgrades, users shall be informed as early as possible. If the service does need to be suspended due to systems maintenance and upgrades, or withdrawn due to server or hardware failure, or any other unforeseen circumstances, then all attempts will be made to alleviate any inconvenience or data-loss caused, and the Company will look to save and recover as much website content as possible. In situations where it is not possible to recover the website materials, the Company, and website, shall not bear responsibility.

6) We do not bear responsibility for users' employment of information, including, but not limited to, the passing on of information to other users without authorization from the Company, which may contains errors, inaccuracies, viruses, or the content they provide being prohibited by copyright laws, privacy laws or other laws associated with slander, vilification, infringement, etc. We also bear no liability for the user's loss, deletion, removal of, or failure to diffuse information under any circumstances. Users are responsible for backing up the information they receive from this website. We reserve the right to delete or remove any information provided to users at our discretion, without having to notify the user and/or bear any liability.

7) We shall not be accountable for any illegal acts performed by users and third parties of this website or its external links. This includes, but is not limited to, transactions with third parties, of which the full responsibility shall be borne by the user and the third party.

8) The user hereby acknowledges and accepts that the Company and its affiliated enterprises shall not bear responsibility for any direct or indirect losses suffered by the user as a result of using this website. This includes, but is not limited to, any damages, accountability, requests, costs or expenses incurred through delays, inaccuracies, errors and omissions in the content or services of the Company's website.

IV. Amendments to the Terms of Use

We reserve the right to amend these Terms of Use if necessary, without notifying the user in advance. In the event of changes, we will make them available on the website as soon as it is feasible to do so. If the user does not approve of the modified content, they may cease using the website of their own accord. If they continue to utilize the website, they will be deemed to have accepted the updated Terms of Use.

V. Notice

For amendments to the Terms of Use or other important notifications, we will alert users via website announcements, e-mail or other means they have expressed a preference to.

VI. Governing Law and Resolution of Disputes

The interpretation and enforcement of the Terms of Use for this website are subject to the laws of the United Kingdom. This Terms of Use and any additional conditions published on this website constitute an all-inclusive agreement between The Company and its users regarding the use of this website. If the substance of the agreement is inconsistent with the applicable mandatory legal provisions, the mandatory legal provisions shall take precedence. Any dispute arising from the enactment of the agreement should first be settled through negotiations between the two parties; if this fails to resolve the situation, either party may file a lawsuit in a court of competent jurisdiction in London, UK.

VII. Right of Interpretation

The right of interpretation of the Terms of Use and the power of interpretation of this website belong to OrbiSky.